Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Supreme Court

When thinking about the three branches of government, the legislative, executive, and judicial. The balance today seems perfected and fair, and it is hard to think there was a time when the balance achieved today was not the case. It took a change and the hard work of one man who would level the playing field and allow for the judicial branch to be seen as equal with one case and one idea.

Marbury v. Madison was a landmark case because it would bring the idea of judicial review, which would make it, so the judicial court had the power to strike down an act of congress due to it being unconstitutional. This was achieved due to John Marshal, a young lawyer who was the Chief Justice during the case of Marbury v. Madison. Because of Marshal, the court gained more power and started to balance its power with the other sides of the government branches. 

This balance of power is due to John Marshal's made so that the Justices in the Supreme matter. Each Justice has their own ideas, opinions, and values. Their own beliefs may be different than other Justices, but they still have to work together to make sure their judgment is fair and, most importantly constitutional. The ideas and judgment of the Supreme court have affected people with them expanding liberties and amending the Constitution to better fit the time we are in and the future to come.

Freedom is something we as humans want to have but it takes hard work. It takes the work of government, people, and ideas. Today freedom is there but it's being put into question due to people trying to establish safety and this can and will become a problem because security could mean we lose freedom but it is up to us to protect it.

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