Thursday, March 17, 2022

8 Values of Free Expression

    Cogito ergo sums better translates as Rene Descartes "I think therefore I am." This simple line, I feel, goes hand in hand with the most important value of free expression, individual self-fulfillment. Descartes means by the line "I think therefore I am" because he knows that he exists because he thinks, but he can't be a hundred percent sure if others around him exist. The way I have always interrupted. This was that we as individuals need to work on ourselves before we can work on others. This line is similar to self-fulfillment due to them both being about the individuals developing themself because, at the end of the day, they only have full control of themself. I don't know if I trust my senses because they can be tricked. I don't know if I'm in a dream, but I know I am me. Therefore, I exist; therefore, I matter, I can make opinions, and I can find out who I am.

    Self-fulfillment is the most important to me be because it is the one thing you control, yourself. The freedom to define yourself and create your own identity matters because if you can't define yourself, then you will never achieve your true potential and never become who you truly are. We are people. We have our own ideas and beliefs. When we lose that, we lose ourselves. When we lose ourselves, we lose our purpose and reason to fight for what's right.

Today, people are so different even if two twins are raised in the same place, and at the same time, they would both have two completely different ideas, dreams, and beliefs. These changes and differences make us human and make us who we are. We are whatever we define ourselves as through actions and words. When the freedom to express ourselves is censored, our expressions are silenced. Opinions matter because of the many different views that are offered. The market of ideas can grow and work in the modern world, and it starts with you discovering who you are. We can't participate in self-government if we don't know what we as people want. We can't have stable change because venting expresses people's values, which can clash with events or other matters. Tolerance is all about differences. If people cannot say what makes them different and express opinions, then tolerance does not exist. Innovation starts with creativity through expression and discovery. Without expressing ideas and explaining ideas, innovation can't truly be achieved.



We as people start as individuals, and then we seek to find a group to match our beliefs. An example is with political parties. Most people develop their beliefs over time and through experience and events in their life. The combination of all these different things leads people to look and yearn for a group that can match similar ideas and beliefs. This led to people joining political parties to match their ideas. If a person never has the freedom to discover and voice their own self, they will find themself so when trying to find like-minded people they will look and might never find a group or worse join a wrong group with the wrong people who will lead to more problems. Opinions matter because of these different opinions. The market of ideas can grow and work in the modern world, and it starts with you discovering who you are. It is only when we discover who and what we are as individuals can we seek to find our place in the world around us because it starts with us, and it starts with you finding you.

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