Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Me Myself and My Phone

It is hard to think about a world without technology, yet I remember a time before I had a phone. I would have to plan or knock on friends' doors. We would play manhunt, jump off small cliffs, and would tell stories. Those old days of my life before a phone were my childhood but that time before the iPhone does not exist now. Quite honestly, that scares me more than anything because my generation in the early days didn't have phones. The current generation is born into a world where everything revolves around technology. They will not know the world before the iPhone X and Netflix. It scares me because how can we as humans understand each other when we can't look at each because we are on our phones.

My relationship with technology is well complicated because it has made my life so easy. I am sitting on my bed writing a paper listing to music; before writing this, I was watching youtube after I will play a video game. I did and will do all of that without leaving my bed which is amazing because I can learn and do anything all from my bed. Technology is made and should be used to inspire and make life easy. Unfortunately, this is not what is used in some cases. My relationship with social media is rocky. I use social media to stay informed and to learn, but social media most time makes me lose track of time, so I put a timer on it, so every day, I only spend 15 minutes on social media. I do this because of links to depression on social media. If I can make myself happy by spending less time on something unnecessary, then why would I not do it is my logic.

When asked about my great weakness, my answer is time. Time is one thing I have that slowly runs out, just like everyone else. But, it is time that gives life meaning. Technology is all about time. It takes time, but it gives back more time. Technology allows us as humans to save time by traveling and messaging. The time to travel from the USA to Europe in 1620 was six weeks to three months. The time to send a message in 1800 from the USA to Europe in 1620 was six weeks to three months. Today New York to Paris by plane is 10 hours. That message only takes seconds. Technology has made the world smaller for the better because everyone in the world can now come together to change the world. The power of a tweet of #BLM is powerful and reaches everywhere. Technology for the better has connected everyone together.

My online footprint is when I look up "Jake Drew NC." I find three things, my Blogger, my Linkedin, and my mile time for my old high school. I think that explains how I use technology in a nutshell. My blogger is my school work. It shares and expresses my thoughts on a grand scale, with my blog having the opportunity to reach everyone in the world. My Linkedin shows that I want people to see my hard work and my progress in achieving my goal of changing the world. As time has moved on, I have been using Linkedin more because I see the importance of it in getting a job and impressing people. Then finally, my mile time in high school is really that we as people don't have control of what people post online, yet it is always going to be there. My mile time is something I don't control, but it if was a bad thing, it could negatively affect me, and it would always fallow me. That's the internet, something that always follows and watches you but something you can't control. 

The power technology is vast. It is a tool and weapon. It comes down to how it is used to decide what it is. I always and will always use it as a tool to learn and to connect to the world. Technology is not good or bad. It is not black or white. It is gray. Something, when in the right hands, can change the world. It just takes one click to do it.

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Me Myself and My Phone

It is hard to think about a world without technology, yet I remember a time before I had a phone. I would have to plan or knock on friends&#...