Friday, April 1, 2022

To War?

It is so fascinating that the world we live in is determined to talk about violence. The whole idea of antiwar just disappears. Places like and The American Conservative are the minority because mainstream media does not care for their opinions due to them not supporting the government's ideas. The US government, over time, has gotten involved in many wars that they didn't need to get involved with due to, in most cases, lies. Examples being the Mexican-American war of 1846 when President James Polk lied about being invaded, President William McKinley lied about Maine being attacked, and the Vietnam war was also a lie due to a warship being claimed to be under attack. I think these lies are due to money being involved from weapon dealers and people in an attempt to gain land and resources from other places cheaply. 

The average person will never see or hear these antiwar opinions due to the government building and establishing a narrative that we, the US, are always the good guy and everyone else is the bad guy. This narrative then picks up steam and becomes the main story of a week or even month. The stories will favor whatever actions the US has made, even if those actions mean we broke international law. The US holds so much power that when you go against this narrative of we are always the good guys, in most cases you are seen as a traitor and are seen as an unamerican. Due to this chilling effect of being one of, if not the only voice of reason, it's hard to speak up and speak out because if you go against the narrative, you go against the US. It's very sad that we as Americans are told to think creatively and solve problems, but when conflict happens, there is only one answer to war.

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