Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Learning about Theories (Overton window)

The power of an idea is crazy because that one idea can change the world as

we know it at first that idea is seen as radical but over time it becomes

popular and then it becomes a law. Once a law it changed the world.

As some watches trends rise and fall due to public opinion, it's kinda crazy to

hear about the invisible window that dictates laws and policies that we as people

know about but don't understand. This leads to the theory of the Overton window.

Theories are so interesting because there, not 100% true there just an idea.

It is so crazy to think of the idea of the Overton window. This imagery window

determines what's good and bad within the mainstream population. It is something

that when you stop and think about, you can see all the things that were seen as

radical and the, over time, gained support and then today are laws. It is also

interesting because the window is determined by the population though it is

through lawmakers to make this window. To me, it shows me the importance

of lawmakers because they help define the borders of the window. They slowly

shift up and down the window to make rulings. History has changed a lot in the

past, and it is crazy to think of all things today that are seen as normal vs. back

then. The idea that African Americans can be free, women can vote, gay rights,

and many more are all at one point were radical, but today it's just normal.

We have evolved and changed for the better. I know we are not perfect, but

I think everyone knows we need to evolve, we need change, and we need to

become better because we can be better and will be better.

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