Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Diffusion of Ideas Netflix

Netflix was not an innovator in the stream. They were an early adopter who saw a chance to succeed. What they did was game-changing because they were ready for streaming. It is so fascinating to me that Netflix was not the first, and it definitely is not the last streaming service to be made. Companies like Amazon and Youtube beat Netflix to streaming, with both companies making their streaming service more than a year before Netflix. Amazon and Youtube, the innovators who collapsed in the early days, were the early adopter of Netflix, succeeded due to not being prepared and not developing a large fan base. Where Netflix had a million subscribers doing DVD rentals so the change to stream just made life easier for consumers, and for Netflix, they would also make original shows with Lilyhammer, which made consumers have to come to Netflix to watch. The money and success of Netflix would make big companies want a piece of the pie. Soon after, Amazon would make its first show to compete with Alpha and Betas.

This would lead to a new age of stream and cause the streaming wars. Companies like Disney, Apple, and Warner Media all made their own media streaming service, making them the early and late majority. These companies have this streaming war because there all after a similar market of people. Due to this, each one has to make content with these companies making their own shows and movies to draw consumers in to give incentives to sign up with them. The rise of all these companies has caused the company Netflix to fall, with the market being over-saturated with so much content. People have to pick and choose what they want, and sometimes, the one that pushed the market to its peak Netflix is not chosen as the one consumers want. The Laggards are companies that have not switched their model to streaming and the internet. Other laggards are people who use DVDs and movie theaters. The reason for not going to streaming services is probably due to them being scared of companies tracking data and dont willing to pay money for a monthly fee for movies. The final negative is binge-watching or watching a lot of content in a short period of time. Tho there are negatives, I believe the positives outweigh the negatives with people now having access to thousands of movies on their phones and computers. This allows new ideas to spread and allows the film market to expand. Due to this access, I believe all people should access one of the many streaming services because it allows people to watch more films and shows.

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